Those Who Differ:

Alien Races

There are a number of alien races in the Known Worlds, although humans are clearly the dominant race. The Known Worlds are extremely Xenophobic, and mostly look down on aliens (or any difference, for that matter).

Most races have been conquered by humanity; only the G'nesh, the Vau and the Symbiots are independent of the (human) Empire. The G'nesh, the Vau and the Symbiots aren't typically player character races.

Name Notes  
Ur-Obun The Obun are very similar to humans leading some to believe that they're somehow related to humanity. The Obun are an intelligent, spiritual people, and they have powerful psionic abilities. Although conquered by humans, the Obun are often in trusted advisory or diplomatic roles.
Ur-Ukar The Ukari are of the same species as the Obun, and share their psionic abilities, but culturally, they are very different. The Ukari have long resented being conquered by humanity. Ukari are often raised underground for the first years of their lives, and they develop their senses of touch more strongly.
Vorox The Vorox are large, furry, six-limbed aliens. They had not yet developed any recognizable civilization when they were found by humans. Humanity "civilized" the Vorox -- a process which usually includes surgical removal of the Vorox' poisonous claws.
Shantor The Shantor are an ungulate species with four legs and hooves. The Shantor were the first aliens encountered by humans and, like the Ukari, the Shantor were displaced by humans after years of conflict, and relocated to reservations throughout the Known Worlds.  
Oro'ym The Oro'ym are amphibians who built vast underwater cities. They are now mostly a minor race, willing to barter for human tech.  
Etyri An alien avian race with the ability to fly, the Etyri are seldom encountered off of their home world. They are deeply religious, and extremely interested in life-after-death.  
Gannok The Gannok resemble Terran chimanzees. They are only recently sentient, and hadn't developed much of a culture by the time humans encountered them.  
Ascorbites Ascorbites are insectoid aliens. Like the Gannok, they had not yet developed civilization when the humans arrived. They have a reputation as bloodsuckers.  
Hironem The Hironem are a reptillian species, who had approximately 20th-Century technology by the time humans encountered them. They may have been influenced by the Vau at some point.  
G'nesh Another insectoid race, the G'nesh were encountered just before the Vau made themselves known to humanity. The Vau clearly protect the G'nesh, who are peaceful artists. The G'nesh aren't generally encountered off of their homeworld.  
Vau The Vau are the only known races that is more technologically advanced than humanity. The Vau are secretive, preferring a sense of mystery about their race and capabilities, but they strongly defend their borders. They are tall (around 7 feet) and slender.  
Symbiots Symbiots are a parasitic infection  


Barbarians are human, but come from worlds that are not part of the Emperor Alexius' worlds. The Known Worlders tends to view other humans as barbarians, but that's mostly Known World xenophobia.

Name Notes
The Kurgan Caliphate At one border, near the Hazat worlds, the Kurgan Caliphate is actually a highly intelligent and mannered civilization that has retained some aspects of Second Republic culture.
The Vuldrok The Vuldrok are much more "barbarian" in the eyes of the Known Worlds -- they are brutal raiders who invade Known World cities and ships.

The Changed

In the Second Republic, scientists experimented with genetic engineering, to create altered species.

Name Notes
Genetically Engineered Some of the Changed are decendants of genetically engineered humans and aliens. Generally, the Changed are able to conceal their differences.
Anima Second Republic scientists also created species that mixed human, alien and animal genes. Several of these "animal people" have successfully bred in the generations since the Second Republic, leading to rare sub-species.

Package Deals


2 LS: (Immunity: Symbiot Infection)
9 +3 DEX  
1 Long Fingers and Toes: +1 DEX (3 Active Points); Only for Rolls Involving Fine Manipulation (-1)  
3 Prehensile Tail: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+¼) (6 Active Points); Restrainable (-½), Limited Manipulation (-¼)  
6 Agile Toes: Extra Limbs: Feet can function like hands (2), Inherent (+¼) (6 Active Points)  
7 Regeneration: Healing BODY 1d6 (10 Active Points); Self Only (-½)  
-2 -2 STR  
-4 -2 BODY  
-10 Distinctive Features: Pungent Smell,  
-5 Physical Limitation: Small Body (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)  
7 Total Cost of Package Deal  


+5 STR  
+5 CON
+3 BODY  
-2 INT
Vorox Bite: ½d6 HKA, Reduced Penetration (-¼)
Extra Limbs (2 extra limbs usable as arms or legs), Inherent (+¼)
Enhanced Senses: +2 PER with Smell
+2" Running  
+2" Running, only when using all six limbs as legs (-¼)
LS: Immunity to poisons and chemical warfare agents  
Physical Limitation: Can't eat vegetables (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)  
Physical Limitation: Extremely Large nine or ten feet tall, broad and heavy (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Total Cost of Package Deal
  Options End
Poisonous Claws: (Total: 105 Active Cost, 33 Real Cost) HKA 1d6 (plus STR) (15 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-¼) (Real Cost: 12) plus Entangle 4d6, 8 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+½) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (onset time of 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1¼), 4 Charges (-1), Claws must do BODY (-½), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Linked (HKA; -¼) (Real Cost: 18)

Vorox claws are usually removed from civilized Vorox, although Vorox Nobles are sometimes allowed to retain a single claw. If a Vorox manages to hit skin with these claws, a powerful toxin slowly induces paralysis in the victim.


+1 DEX
+2 EGO
Psi or TheurgyPowers
Total Cost of Package Deal  


3 +1 DEX
4 +2 EGO
10 Discriminatory with Touch Group  
10 Psi Powers
27 Total Cost of Package Deal  


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